Easy Steps to Eco Living

Published On June 30, 2013

Despite the desire to behave in an environmentally-friendly way, it’s easy to feel restricted by the pressures of time, work and family commitments.

Climate change, pollution and poverty are all issues that matter and are issues that many people feel helpless in regards to affecting change. However, there are simple ways to help the planet with little effort involved, according to Sarah Johnson, National Energy and Sustainability Programs Manager of the Australian Conservation Foundation.

“People think they need to make a grand gesture… but every choice is an opportunity to do something positive,” she said.

By drinking locally produced alcohol, always buying bottled beer (double the energy is involved in the production of canned beer) and choosing a reusable coffee cup, every individual can contribute to a more sustainable way of living.

Choosing to work out with a group such as Responsible Runners – where joggers collect rubbish as they exercise – delivers a double benefit, and buying a few quality products instead of many more cheaper ones is also better in the long term.

Shopping at farmers markets guarantees that produce hasn’t travelled many thousands of kilometres and across continents, as is the case with some supermarket food.

By choosing to keep things simple and devoting at least one hour of time per week to being technology-free, you can reduce both your stress levels and the impact of your carbon footprint.

Source:  http://www.theage.com.au/executive-style/strive/saving-the-world-one-coffee-at-a-time-20130328-2gvwe.html