Wendy Harmer Takes Action Against Excessive Packaging

Published On December 7, 2012

Wendy Harmer, Editor-in-Chief of The Hoopla, is against excessive packaging, especially when it comes to food. Lollies wrapped in multiple layers of packaging, cheese slices that are individually wrapped, and plastic casings that require secateurs to open are the bane of her existence, and it makes her deeply concerned. Of course, this trend is seen not just for food and product wrappers, but also in many other aspects of the home. For example, so many people have cupboards full of plastic takeaway containers and massive piles of plastic shopping bags that are only getting bigger. Some places, like Germany, are taking a stance to reduce packaging, she says, and she wants to follow suit. Taking steps to make changes doesn’t have to be difficult, however, as all it takes are a few lifestyle adjustments. Harmer has started taking a stand by using a reusable coffee mug, “green”shopping bags, and by simply not buying anything that has excessive packaging.


